Sunday, November 23, 2014

Small exercises for concentration

Concentration is one of the important elements that we need in order to perform tasks quickly and efficiently. If you often catch yourself thinking wander off somewhere else while trying to finish what you started, or you notice that you need something for a much longer time than is really necessary for concentration exercises can help you.

As we do exercises for the body to stay in shape every day, or repeat words from foreign languages so they stay in our memory, concentration exercises should be repeated regularly in order to take some effect. Ten minutes a day can be enough. These exercises should be done in a quiet room,becuse firstly you need to relax the body and forget about any tension. If you fail to do this exercise, start from scratch and repeat until you do it right, but it should not take longer than 15 minutes a day. Only when you are able to complete an exercise, go to the next one.


  •  Choose a book and count words in a paragraph. Do not track your finger or count them with the help of pencils or something else, but just by looking at them. Count several times, to convince youoreself that you got the exact number.

  •  Count backwards from 100 to 0 inside your head.

  •  Now count backwards from 100 by skipping every third number, meaning: 100, 97, 94 ...

  •  Select a word or a sound and repeat it for five minutes.

  •  Select a fruit. Study it for two minutes, but dont' think about where you bought it, how heavy it is, but just look at its texture, color, smell, touch it to feel its crust. After that, leave it aside, close your eyes and imagine it, thinking only about what you observed earlier. If you do not have a clear picture in your mind, open your eyes and repeat the exercise until your image does not crystallize.

  •  Take some small object, such as a spoon and watch it from all sides, but as you look at it try not to imagine any words. You just have to watch.

  •  Draw a simple geometric shape and paint it whit color. Watch it, but do not think about anything else. As in previous exercises, you should not imagine any words in these moments, there should be only the form, nothing else.

The more you practise, you will have better results!

Saturday, November 22, 2014



The term neurobik is introduced to us by Americans Lawrence Katz and Manning Rubin to present a system of exercises for stimulating mental abilities. The main tasks of neurobika are stimulation of the brain and the maintenance of good memories. The exercises should work all - children to train attention and getting used to the adoption of new content, and adults to be mentally active and to prevent dementia.


It is a simple but highly effective exercises. For them, you do not need money, nor preparations, nor much time.You can do them anywhere and anytime. At home, at work, while eating, even in the shower.


  • New places

We encourage you to go to the places you've never been or which rarely go because it's stimulate new visual perception. This can be a park, new store, bookshops, jetty, a lake..

  • Different fragrances

Buy a bottle of various essential oils, aromatic candles or incense. Every morning, as soon as you wake up, let youreself to the smell that you have never experienced. Unknown aroma will awaken the brain.

  • Walking with my eyes closed

Walk around the apartment with your eyes closed, it is an excellent exercise for concentration.

  • Left to right

If you are right-handed, do not brush your teeth with your right hand, insted use your left hand, and vice versa.

  • Nice things

Maybe clothes do not make the man,but affects the state of mind.It is scientifically proven that the clothes we wear affects the emotions, and sexuality, and the way of thinking and creating new outfits encourages creativity.

  • Another route

The more often you change the way that you go to work or shopping. Even if the new route is longer, don't let it discourage you. Exercisers and brain and leg muscles.

  • Challenges

Be confident. If you get a chance to try out a new job for which you are specifically trained. for , wholeheartedly accept the challenge. The brain is the fastest activated when a man does not know quite exactly what to do.

  • Touching

Learn to distinguish a coin only by touching it. This exercise is highly useful because it develops the sense of touch and  it's "pumping" nerve cells. Work it while sitting in a waiting room or standing in line at the post office. It will kill your time.

  • Focus

If you follow the fashion magazine, buy one that deals with the economy. Are you a fan of travelogues? Skip it and read articles about animals. This does not mean you have to give up your interest, but from time to time change the focus.

  • TV without sound

Mute the TV to the end and try to reconstruct dialogue only by mime and pictures . This is particularly interesting if it is about society.

  • Diffrent weekend

If you usually spend a weekend in the city, the next time you set off into the countryside.You rarely listen to music? Then buy concert tickets, and you will experience a lot of new sensations. If you do not like, you can always leave.

  • Counter tempo

If you are slow, deliberately set yourself a task to double the speed up.  Changing the natural pace is excellent training for concentration.

  • Having fun

Invent anecdotes and make fun is also very useful mental activity. Humor network launches new associations, develop creativity and mental abilities.